help://export webpage


Picasa allows you to select a folder or a label and export it as a formatted web page, which you can then publish as a website. There are some basic web page templates to choose from, or you can customize your pictures. If your pictures have captions, they will appear in the text at the top of your webpage.

To export an album as a Web page:

1. Choose Make a Web Page from the Actions menu at the top of the folder or label you want to use to create a webpage

2. In the Export Album as Web Page dialog, choose the following:

Picture Size:The size of each picture you are exporting, in pixels. Larger sizes are better quality, but they will load more slowly.

Export Movies using: This option allows you to embed a movie in your page, or turn the first frame of the movie into a single picture.

Page Title: Text to appear at the top of your page

Location: Folder on disk where you would like your webpage files to be saved.

3. When you are finished choosing your options, click Next. You will be able to choose a template for your pictures.

4. When you have chosen a template for your pictures, click Finish. Picasa will open a web browser and you can view the web page created, and copy it to a server for viewing online. By default, webpages are saved in My Documents\Picasa Web Exports. All pictures are exported as JPEG files.  

You can export an album as XML-formatted code, which you can use in other applications, or if you are handy with HTML, you can manually edit the files in your C:\Program Files\Picasa2\web\ directory.  More information is available in C:\Program Files\Picasa2\web\documentation


If you do not have access to a web server, you can post your pictures to the internet for free, using Hello and BloggerBot.